Double Twist

Life has brought me on my knees literally (sprain on right ankle and next day on the left one) - it gave me a smack and then a second one.

I am ( back) crawling on the floor, pulling my body weight with the arm and rubbing to sit.

I share with you this demeaning story because, with different circumstances, we get better and feel at one in adversities and on the glories.

I have been trying to refuse the message my body has to send me.

With an inner instability clearly, a forced change had to happen,

to lead me to a phase of deep  transcendence, of giving permission and to trust - cherishing of the Omega, the side for some time oppressed by a noisy amkara (limited personality i.e. ego).

I am willing to come back to the mat and being able to steer the sexuality course in the next days.

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