Phedra Jessica Balsamelli, Yoga Alliance Certified yoga instructor, RYS 500hr.
She received her certification from Spiritual Yoga Master Yogi Chetan Mahesh, the pioneer of yoga teacher training in Rishikesh.

I should have started with something sure and stable about my life… with my birth date perhaps as l still confuse the spelling of my first name  whether  to write it with  Ph or F, this is a long story, but the pronunciation is the same!

I love writing even if to pen about myself – ourselves- is not easy at all, considering by the way the tendency to be narrative, “l am like this, l’d react that way if.., l did that and l do this,,.

I will try then to be as little narrative as possible,  l will not persuade you l am the incarnation of Cleopatra nor any deity, trust me!

So, back to my life, it started in this last embodiment of my samsara bubbling in  1989 on Elba, a  tiny island far from Tuscany. I have lived  there free from dangers and in deep contact with nature until, so naif -as l still am ( l will stop being narrative as promised) - l moved into town to live in a boarding - school at the age of 13, free from my parents’ control that time.

There l started my scientific studies, from the high school to the University since l accomplished my Master in International Business Economics. 

I don’t know how l manager and even earlier than than actual graduation section of my year, l was not  interested in those subjects. 

I was more  intrigued in creating virtual reality imprints instead – including graduating and doing it rapidly to enjoy the next  step of my life.

With hindsight, I guess my intent to go to University was entertainment during those boring classes with my “look at me" dress code and behaviour. 

I was not doing it on purpose, I was asking my friends to share their notes with me instead, deliberately and honestly.

I enjoyed investing in other types of readings – Tantra, Transurfing ( Quantic science)… and doing crisscross in between;

I had the feeling those business texts would not turn me into a successful business person. 

I got so used to being out of the box that I kept on: l worked for a government institution in Brussels then l moved to other capitals in Europe employed in big companies, causing havoc everywhere – nobody blamed me that much hopefully. 

I did not stop cultivating my interests in the so-called “spiritual sciences”, that has been the way l have gone through this - still ongoing- process of fragmentation and defragmentation, studying first while the physical practice came later on.

This happened when l met Petr Minster – thanks Petr for your incredible support – in Bratislava and l asked him to  make my body assist my mind in its turbulence. 

I followed diligently the embrional sequence of asanas he scheduled for me, he guided me through it individually every week.  

I have pushed my body hardly, he told me to go more slowly. 

I have started to practice  Ashtanga Vinyasa strictly, sometimes ruthlessly with my own “self”.

I have no regrets, there is still an  Ashtanga young lover in me even if now l feel closer to another field of the yogic technology which is the Kundalini science. 

It is hard to express in words the kind of feelings those two practices arise in me, the only way would be inviting you to experiment with your own self.

Bear with me! I didn’t follow a structured linear scheme when writing my bio – still in my real life I’ve travelled to Asia in different countries including India but it is not worth  writing about it in this context. 

After all, life – and the whole Universe – moves not in a line but along a spiral.

Now l live in the beautiful Fuerteventura, still practicing and sharing;

the Future ahead is unpredictable.

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