The Universe Unfolded reality

 Do not sleep back on the 3D.

There is a dynamic structure made of diagonals and rays through which current flows and its frequency determines the energy level.

In the high energy beings, from the crown chackra - i.e. hypothalamus - the Universe, as scanned and downloaded in streams of thoughts, is projected outward in form of actions and sounds, painting reality.

so you do not re-act and do not answer that door, that is a signal to knock another one.
On the contrary, in the low energy beings, reacting to the unpleasant door-scenario is the habit.

You have the power, through meditation, to control your crown chackra and stream of thoughts and then project them into your reality:

- as there is an electromagnet field around your aura, by unconsciously breathing your aura expands and so does your power;

- by falling in love with your own sound current, the exciting auditory flame, the ojas (vital luster) increases so you can control all current vibrations, both creative and destructive, and neutralize in space, beyond the essence of the infinity.

That is the reality beyond the 3D.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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