Pituitary Intercourse

The centre of the sexual activity is located in the pituitary gland, the master gland.

Responsible for the secretion of sexual hormones (as well as other hormones which regulate metabolism, cell reproduction etc..), it "hooks" the encounter of the different polarities people* from the highest center to allow what is defined as sex properly.

The rest is just mutual masturbation with a little bit of sweating. 

👇 Here are some scientific evidences of the pituitary interaction with other glands.

Hormones and their interactions

Pituitary - anterior:
LH and FSH, prolactin, TSH, GH, adrenotopic hormone;

- posterior:

oxytocin, antidiuretic h. Reproductive h.: LH (pre-ovulatory follicle formation/testosterone); FSH (ovarian follicle maturation / sperm production).
Prolactin: milk production after pregnancy; TSH: stimulation of thyroid hormones;
GH: stimulates the growth of muscles, bones, cells;
Adrenotopic h.: stimulates cortisol (stress h.). Oxytocin: also called "hormone of love" - ​​creates a feeling of connection and increases the perception of collective memory;
in women it stimulates the contraction of the smooth muscle of the uterus (as secondary effect, it slowers down digestion and induces bloating).

PINEAL: Melatonin (balancing day/night cycle); STOMACH: Gherlin (anger hormone).

Hormons Interactions:
+ Gherlin > + GH; -LH; -FSH + Prolactin> -LH;-FSH (interruption of the menstrual cycle especially in women who practice sports too intensively - in men reduces testosteron);
 + Melatonin> + Prolactin; -TSH; - Gherlin; - Cortisol.

* Same differences when dealing with woman-woman

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