...and treat him as such.

When you try the taste of the Infinite Nam - the feeling of oness with the true essence - sipping each and every drop, the oblivion won't attract you anylonger.

And if and when the servant (the mind) will try to deflect you, remind him of his place.
Thanks to the Universe to avail those who have lent themselves to test your level of centrature and the balance of your aurea, magnetizing some or other mechanisms:
- thank you motherf**er! Cause this will be the very last time.

So you are ready for the big deal now.

The velocity of this year won't allow you to waste anymore time, you need to catch the speed of this etheric moment travelling at the rhythm of a supernova which has just exploded.

You're riding, warrior, you must gallop.

Om Mahadeva 

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