The harmonic figure of the Aquarian Age.

I get so full from my anahata* that l cannot contain all this
and I rush to share this tattvic principle in the form - of air - which is capable of penetrating the thick area of the particular uniqueness of the self, of you,
with your bodies, and layers, and nadis, and electromagnetic fields, 
ultimately to instill the Jupiter (Guru) essence, of the information.


It is a sanskrit term which, as such, is a key of access to a multifacisity of meaning;
mudra is the psychic attitude, the imprint, the seal.

Let's turn the key.

As Aquarian people, the understanding, from the pedagogical foundations of the Piscean, comes through experience.
Therefore, what we were used to associate with hand gestures (dhyana, shunya, surya, buddhi etc. mudra) or asanas must be embodied in the projection of the positioning of the self.
Mudra is the taking of the form, and the sound, in a figure which is the most harmonious to you.
As light warriors, those who hunt - store and utilize the energy for the evolutionary purposes,
you are able to drive the flow of this energy according to that elevated dimensional streamline which doesn't follow the official way to keep things in order (chronological time).

Than you chose and shape the aerodynamicity of your mudra, your micro-mudric system of your current &
you position your self in macro winning mudra / combinations of mudra.

Aware of your faculty to command the movement of prana: in your actions, ideas, time management, you can -
visualizing the mudra -
observe how your attitude, your posture, the way you seat, you speak, you hug, draws a certain pattern and defines specific seal as well as,
on the opposite,
how some distractions create excursus on the side of the main channel either they make holes - which can also be positive - as vedha (piercing) along the channel (either chackra) itself.

You have the faculty to place your self in a precise bhanda (container) for a lineage which creates self revelation, enjoyment and to take advantage of this prosperity synchronising to it.

Be very subtle and alert, selfish if necessary - again the three warrior aspects:
• to perform the hunting energy activities, instead of zoombing around;
• to apply your mudra with your physical body an
& mental attitude to seal strongly and store the energy;
• so you can use that energy in movement, in motion - e-motions - in your life joyfully.

Om Mahadeva

*heart chackra.

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