Soften the sweetness of the interaction btw you and what you love.

When expansion and limitation conjunct - implications of the Great Conjunction Jupiter & Saturn* (400 million miles apart)
on a very propitious date of winter solstice.

From a human psyche prospective, the influence the two celestial bodies on the human brain:
• Jupiter: large, expansive, and full of wisdom and blessings. The Jupiter teacher is a fountain of happiness, enthusiasm, love, and joy;
• Saturn: the only planet with rings, which provide limitation. It is through limitation and discipline that we gather our strength and become potent and powerful.

Kundalini yoga science utilizes the so called "meditation to increase intelligence"** :
i.e. visualization of the conjugation of the planets  with the simultaneous movement of the corresponding fingers (index and middle finger for Jupiter and Saturn respectively) opening in a V shape and closing -
to increase focus, enlace math skills, overcome challenges.
This technique is also implemented in the psychotherapy field to treat OCDs (such as phobias, addictive and substance abuse disorders, major depressive disorders, dyslexia, grief, insomnia and other sleep disorders) 
and it results way more effective then medical treatment on different scales (Y-BOCS, SCL-90-R GSI) .***

Fingers stimulation (both the active and passive lesly) operates on the somatosensory cortex - capable for boosting brain functionality;

in particular, as concerns the index and middle finger - their triggering strengths the reasoning, concentration, visualization and movement coordination capabilities, freeing from the auto sabotage patterns.

In view of this: 
- of the impact of Jupiter and Saturn energies on the humans psyche;
- of the finger map over the brain cortex;
- of the rarity of this planetary alignment on the day of Solstice - when the divine cosmic energy can help to elevate the consciousness ( as perceived through your breath and your blood renovated), 

I encourage to take advantage of this astrological event for harmonizing your ego,
for healing your weaknesses,
never compromising your higher consciousness for your lower one,
for  spreading your beauty as a swan - and live with swans,
with balance and peace of mind .

Om Mahadeva 

*Although the alignment occurs every two decades, this particular time the two Solar System giants are very close in the night sky - last time happened on the 1600.

** Interestingly this kriya had been practiced by both Buddha and Christ.

*** Institute of Nonlinear Science, University of California, San Diego. 

Christ Mudra

Brain fingerprinting technology.

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