Embodiment of etheric sounds. 

The espression of the reality you live, 

as sophisticatedly voiced - as sophisticatedly perceived. 

The particles aftermaths of the information which vedha-ed* you are shaping your electromagnetic field,

as well as the message of your (verbal and not verbal) communication, which can be so sweet, models and reclines in the space around you.

If you live the Waheguru, the ecstasy pleasure of consciousness,

than your melodic rithm, your delightful sound, your effulgent elegance gets the fragrance all want to sprinkle with,

as the trails of your language sculp their grace - energetically, chemically and essentially. 

Your speach, your manners, your breath mirror the way you live, 

how deeply and intensively, how comely and slyly you unravel your time-space dimension. 

In the intercourse between your macro and micro, may these flows inspire the spiral evolution of the soul.



*sanskrit: to puncture.

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