Mantra, what is it and how to use - tool for miracles


I am over the Moon today writing about this sacred practice of Naad which is Mantras.

We get to it defining what a mantra is not first. 
It is not a positive affirmation, this works on the mental level of the psychophysical dimension, unlocking that precise energy polarity which is available once the mental-cognitive resistance (a self protection tool) stops locking that energy;
ex: - "l am beautiful" over and over positive affirmation will help releasing that energy that thinking being ugly locks.*

Mantras work on the upper super intelligence plane, on the intuitive - precongnitive level, not on the mental one and, 
made of specific poetic series of sounds**, allow to make the quantum leap;
ex: physical appearance looses of importance and beauty shines out anyway, beauty in the elegance, in the speech, in the movement...
The adjustment on the clicks the spontaneous result of the conscious action and this is a miracle happening. 

Knowing what a mantra is, individuate which area of the body (not only the physical one) is resonating with it, gives you and immens power to utilize like a tool in life on this naughty planet.

*If you know who to use that energy, good for you, if you don't that's an issue. 
** The sounds of the mantras - said coming Eather - ring a specific bell with his own vibrational frequency, cleansing the nadis and chanting them your face muscles get trained and your expression looks beautiful.

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